Managed Care Contracting Analysis and Negotiation
Provider organizations are facing unprecedented challenges to maintain financial stability in a rapidly changing marketplace. Understanding the terms, language, and rates of managed care contracts is critical to financial success of an organization. PHCG provides managed care contract review and analysis, fee schedule analysis, and contract negotiations.
Contract Review and Analysis – PHCG will provide a contract summary that outlines key terms and effective dates, guidelines on contract changes, time sensitive information on notices, claims filing, payments, and termination guidelines.
Fee Schedule Analysis – Managed care contracts typically present reimbursement rates in plan-specific ambiguous language that does not provide a clear understanding of the actual reimbursement rates. In addition, the plan-specific language prevents providers from an actual “apples-to-apples” comparison between contracts. PHCG will prepare a side-by-side code specific review of fees from contracted plans that will provide a “snap shot” of all reimbursements identifying the best and least favorable rates. This information can also be loaded into the patient management system as a tool to monitor accuracy of payments.
Managed Care Negotiations – Negotiating managed care contracts requires an extensive knowledge of the managed care contracting process and environment. PHGC will provide guidance through the often daunting process by identifying what terms can realistically be negotiated as well as a time lines for finalizing agreements and when and how to approach renegotiation at the time of contract renewal.